09 March 2020
Given the impacts of COVID-19 on international conferences and travel, we are monitoring possible effects on the 2020 ISOP/ISEP meeting in Cancun, MX, 31 May - 04 June. In the coming weeks we will try to be as transparent as possible, and to provide updates in a timely manner. Updates will be posted on the ISOP/ISEP websites, and on the Meeting Registration website. If you are already registered and planning to purchase flight tickets, we encourage you to use appropriate travel insurance.
Finally, we recognize that many institutions are currently making policy decisions about international travel, and that this may be an influential factor for attendees. If the meeting is canceled or if any registrant is prohibited from attending due to a formal policy of their home institution, registration fees will be refunded. We are working with the conference venue to develop a policy on hotel fees.
The early registration period has been extended to April 1st when we hope to have a much better idea of impacts the epidemic will have on the conference.
Gaytha A. Langlois, President, ISOP
Joel Dacks, President, ISEP