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#ISEPpapers 9: July, August, and September 2020

Your ninth digest of papers and preprints published by members of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology is here. Do you like your #ISEPpapers as fresh as possible? Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Enjoy!

ZapE/Afg1 interacts with Oxa1 and its depletion causes a multifaceted phenotype. Jan Pyrih, Vendula Rašková, Ingrid Škodová-Sveráková, Tomáš Pánek, Julius Lukeš. Read.

Homologue replacement in the import motor of the mitochondrial inner membrane of trypanosomes. Corinne von Känel, Sergio A Muñoz-Gómez, Silke Oeljeklaus, Christoph Wenger, Bettina Warscheid, Jeremy G Wideman, Anke Harsman, Andre Schneider. Read.

The evolution of the Puf superfamily of proteins across the tree of eukaryotes. Vladimíra Najdrová, Courtney W. Stairs, Martina Vinopalová, Luboš Voleman, & Pavel Doležal. Read.

The Sexual Ancestor of all Eukaryotes: A Defense of the “Meiosis Toolkit” (A Rigorous Survey Supports the Obligate Link between Meiosis Machinery and Sexual Recombination). Paulo G. Hofstatter Giulia M. Ribeiro Alfredo L. Porfírio‐Sousa Daniel J. G. Lahr. Read.

The cryptic plastid of Euglena longa defines a new type of non-photosynthetic plastid organelles. Zoltán Füssy, Kristína Záhonová, Aleš Tomčala, Juraj Krajčovič, Vyacheslav Yurchenko, Miroslav Oborník, Marek Eliáš. Read.

Metabarcoding Advances for Ecology and Biogeography of Neotropical Protists: What Do We Know, Where Do We Go? Camila Duarte Ritter, Arielli Fabrício Machado, Karine Felix Ribeiro, Micah Dunthorn. Read.

Description of Three New Genera of Metopidae (Metopida, Ciliophora): Pileometopus gen. nov., Castula gen. nov., and Longitaenia gen. nov., with Notes on the Phylogeny and Cryptic Diversity of Metopid Ciliates. William Bourlanda, Johana Rotterová, Ivan Čepička. Read.

The windblown: possible explanations for dinophyte DNA in forest soils. Marc Gottschling, Lucas Czech, Frédéric Mahé, Sina Adl, Micah Dunthorn. Read.

Lateral Gene Transfer Mechanisms and Pan-genomes in Eukaryotes. Shannon J.Sibbald, Laura Eme, John M. Archibald, Andrew J. Roger. Read.

Chlamydial contribution to anaerobic metabolism during eukaryotic evolution. Courtney W. Stairs, Jennah E. Dharamshi, Daniel Tamarit, Laura Eme, Steffen L. Jørgensen, Anja Spang, Thijs J. G. Ettema. Read.

Independent accretion of TIM22 complex subunits in the animal and fungal lineages. Sergio A. Muñoz-Gómez, Shannon N. Snyder, Samantha J. Montoya, Jeremy G. Wideman. Read.

Barthelonids represent a deep-branching metamonad clade with mitochondrion-related organelles predicted to generate no ATP. Euki Yazaki, Keitaro Kume, Takashi Shiratori, Yana Eglit, Goro Tanifuji, Ryo Harada, Alastair G. B. Simpson, Ken-ichiro Ishida, Tetsuo Hashimoto, and Yuji Inagaki. Read.

Releasing uncurated datasets is essential for reproducible phylogenomics. Eric D. Salomaki, Laura Eme, Matthew W. Brown, & Martin Kolisko. Read.

An unexpectedly complex mitoribosome in Andalucia godoyi, a protist with the most bacteria-like mitochondrial genome. Matus Valach, José Angel Gonzalez Alcazar, Matt Sarrasin, B Franz Lang, Michael W Gray, Gertraud Burger. Read.

Gene expression during bacterivorous growth of a widespread marine heterotrophic flagellate. Ramon Massana, Aurelie Labarre, David López-Escardó, Aleix Obiol, François Bucchini, Thomas Hackl, Matthias G. Fischer, Klaas Vandepoele, Denis V. Tikhonenkov, Filip Husnik, & Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

A non-photosynthetic green alga illuminates the reductive evolution of plastid electron transport systems. Motoki Kayama, Jun-Feng Chen, Takashi Nakada, Yoshiki Nishimura, Toshiharu Shikanai, Tomonori Azuma, Hideaki Miyashita, Shinichi Takaichi, Yuichiro Kashiyama, & Ryoma Kamikawa. Read.

Comparative Plastid Genomics of Cryptomonas Species Reveals Fine-Scale Genomic Responses to Loss of Photosynthesis. Goro Tanifuji, Ryoma Kamikawa, Christa E Moore, Tyler Mills, Naoko T Onodera, Yuichiro Kashiyama, John M Archibald, Yuji Inagaki, Tetsuo Hashimoto. Read.

New Lineage of Microbial Predators Adds Complexity to Reconstructing the Evolutionary Origin of Animals. Denis V. Tikhonenkov, Kirill V. Mikhailov, Elisabeth Hehenberger, Sergei A. Karpov, Kristina I. Prokina, Anton S. Esaulov, Olga I. Belyakova, Yuri A. Mazei, Alexander P. Mylnikov, Vladimir V. Aleoshin, Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

PhaeoNet: A Holistic RNAseq-Based Portrait of Transcriptional Coordination in the Model Diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Ouardia Ait-Mohamed, Anna M. G. Novák Vanclová, Nathalie Joli, Yue Liang, Xue Zhao, Auguste Genovesio, Leila Tirichine, Chris Bowler, and Richard G. Dorrell. Read.

Mechanism and evolution of the Zn-fingernail required for interaction of VARP with VPS29. Harriet Crawley-Snowdon, Ji-Chun Yang, Nathan R. Zaccai, Luther J. Davis, Lena Wartosch, Emily K. Herman, Nicholas A. Bright, James S. Swarbrick, Brett M. Collins, Lauren P. Jackson, Matthew N. J. Seaman, J. Paul Luzio, Joel B. Dacks, David Neuhaus, & David J. Owen. Read.

A Comprehensive Subcellular Atlas of the Toxoplasma Proteome via hyperLOPIT Provides Spatial Context for Protein Functions. Konstantin Barylyuk, Ludek Koreny, Huiling Ke, Simon Butterworth, Oliver M. Crook, Imen Lassadi, Vipul Gupta, Eelco Tromer, Tobias Mourier, Tim J. Stevens, Lisa M. Breckels, Arnab Pain, Kathryn S. Lilley, Ross F. Waller. Read.



Background image: Nannochloropsis sp., CSIRO

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