Your eighth digest of papers and preprints published by members of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology is here. Do you like your #ISEPpapers as fresh as possible? Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Enjoy!

Inventory and Evolution of Mitochondrion-localized Family A DNA Polymerases in Euglenozoa. Ryo Harada, Yoshihisa Hirakawa, Akinori Yabuki, Yuichiro Kashiyama, Moe Maruyama, Ryo Onuma, Petr Soukal, Shinya Miyagishima, Vladimír Hampl, Goro Tanifuji, Yuji Inagaki. Read.

Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Drahomíra Faktorová et al. Read.

Insights into the origin of metazoan multicellularity from predatory unicellular relatives of animals. Denis V. Tikhonenkov, Elisabeth Hehenberger, Anton S. Esaulov, Olga I. Belyakova, Yuri A. Mazei, Alexander P. Mylnikov & Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

Comparative analyses of the V4 and V9 regions of 18S rDNA for the extant eukaryotic community using the Illumina platform. Jaeho Choi & Jong Soo Park. Read.

Genomics of New Ciliate Lineages Provides Insight into the Evolution of Obligate Anaerobiosis. Johana Rotterová, Eric Salomaki, Tomáš Pánek, William Bourland, David Žihala, Petr Táborský, Virginia P. Edgcomb, Roxanne A. Beinart, Martin Kolísko, Ivan Čepička. Read.

High-efficiency transformation of the chlorarachniophyte Amorphochlora amoebiformis by electroporation. Kodai Fukuda, Elizabeth C. Cooney, Nicholas A. T. Irwin, Patrick J. Keeling, Yoshihisa Hirakawa. Read.

Current knowledge and research perspectives of the shell formation process in the genus Arcella (Arcellinida: Amoebozoa). Alfredo L. Porfírio-Sousa and Daniel J.G. Lahr. Read (pdf).

Catalase and Ascorbate Peroxidase in Euglenozoan Protists. Ingrid Škodová-Sveráková, Kristína Záhonová, Barbora Bučková, Zoltán Füssy, Vyacheslav Yurchenko, Julius Lukeš. Read.

Heat stress response in the closest algal relatives of land plants reveals conserved stress signaling circuits. Jan de Vries, Sophie de Vries, Bruce A. Curtis, Hong Zhou, Susanne Penny, Kirstin Feussner, Devanand M. Pinto, Michael Steinert, Alejandro M. Cohen, Klaus von Schwartzenberg, John M. Archibald. Read.

The integrin-mediated adhesome complex, essential to multicellularity, is present in the most recent common ancestor of animals, fungi, and amoebae. Seungho Kang, Alexander K. Tice, Courtney W. Stairs, Daniel J. G. Lahr, Robert E. Jones, Matthew W. Brown. Read.

Preliminary structural characterization of a methyltransferase involved in rhodoquinone biosynthesis. Kathleen Vergunst, Kathleen Bergin, Andrew Roger, Jennifer Shepherd, David Langelaan. Read.

Genomic insights into plastid evolution. Shannon J. Sibbald, John M. Archibald. Read.

A novel fragmented mitochondrial genome in the protist pathogen Toxoplasma gondii and related tissue coccidia. Sivaranjani Namasivayam, Rodrigo Baptista, Wenyuan Xiao, Erica M. Hall, Joseph S. Doggett, Karin Troell, Jessica C. Kissinger. Read.

Returning to the Fold for Lessons in Mitochondrial Crista Diversity and Evolution. Tomáš Pánek, Marek Eliáš, Marie Vancová, Julius Lukeš, Hassan Hashimi. Read.

The Archaeal Roots of the Eukaryotic Dynamic Actin Cytoskeleton. Courtney W. Stairs, Thijs J. G. Ettema. Read.

Comparing Early Eukaryotic Integration of Mitochondria and Chloroplasts in the Light of Internal ROS Challenges: Timing is of the Essence. Dave Speijer, Michael Hammond, Julius Lukeš. Read.

Molecular investigation of Phryganella acropodia Hertwig et Lesser, 1874 (Arcellinida, Amoebozoa). Kenneth Dumack, Diana Görzen, Ruben González-Miguéns, Ferry Siemensma, Daniel J. G. Lahr, Enrique Lara, Michael Bonkowski. Read.

Reevaluation of the ‘well-known’ Paraurostyla weissei complex, with notes on the ontogenesis of a new Paraurostyla species (Ciliophora, Hypotrichia). Wenxin Xu, Yuanyuan Wang, Ting Cheng, Yuhe Yu, Hamed El-Serehy, Saleh A. Al-Farraj, William A. Bourland, Xiaotian Luo. Read.

Evolution and Natural History of Membrane Trafficking in Eukaryotes. Kira More, Christen M. Klinger, Lael D. Barlow, Joel B. Dacks. Read.

Cold climate adaptation is a plausible cause for evolution of multicellular sporulation in Dictyostelia. Hajara M. Lawal, Christina Schilde, Koryu Kin, Matthew W. Brown, John James, Alan R. Prescott & Pauline Schaap. Read.

Transcriptome-wide comparisons and virulence gene polymorphisms of host-associated genotypes of the cnidarian parasite Ceratonova shasta in salmonids. Gema Alama-Bermejo, Eli Meyer, Stephen D Atkinson, Astrid S Holzer, Monika M Wiśniewska, Martin Kolísko, Jerri L Bartholomew. Read.

Perspectives from Ten Years of Protist Studies by High‐Throughput Metabarcoding. Luciana Santoferrara Fabien Burki Sabine Filker Ramiro Logares Micah Dunthorn George B. McManus. Read.

Description of Three New Genera of Metopidae (metopida, ciliophora): Pileometopus gen. Nov., Castula gen. Nov., And Longitaenia gen. Nov., with Notes on the Phylogeny and Cryptic Diversity of Metopid Ciliates. William Bourland, Johana Rotterová, Ivan Čepička. Read.

Targeted integration by homologous recombination enables in‐situ tagging and replacement of genes in the marine microeukaryote Diplonema papillatum. Drahomíra Faktorová, Binnypreet Kaur, Matus Valach, Lena Graf, Corinna Benz, Gertraud Burger, Julius Lukeš. Read.