Your fourth digest of papers and preprints published by members of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology is here. Do you like your ISEPpapers as fresh as possible? Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Enjoy!

Horizontally-acquired genetic elements in the mitochondrial genome of a centrohelid Marophrys sp. SRT127. Yuki Nishimura, Takashi Shiratori, Ken-ichiro Ishida, Tetsuo Hashimoto, Moriya Ohkuma & Yuji Inagaki. Read.

Evolution: Ancient Fossilized Amoebae Find Their Home in the Tree. Susannah M. Porter Leigh & Anne Riedman. Read.

Ploeotids Represent Much of the Phylogenetic Diversity of Euglenids. Gordon Lax, Won Je Lee, Yana Eglit, Alastair Simpson. Read.

Proposal of the reverse flow model for the origin of the eukaryotic cell based on comparative analyses of Asgard archaeal metabolism. Anja Spang, Courtney W. Stairs, Nina Dombrowski, Laura Eme, Jonathan Lombard, Eva F. Caceres, Chris Greening, Brett J. Baker & Thijs J. G. Ettema. Read.

A widespread coral-infecting apicomplexan with chlorophyll biosynthesis genes. Waldan K. Kwong, Javier del Campo, Varsha Mathur, Mark J. A. Vermeij & Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

NMR metabolomics reveals effects of Cryptosporidium infections on host cell metabolome. Christopher N. Miller, Charalampos G. Panagos, William R. T. Mosedale, Martin Kváč, Mark J. Howard and Anastasios D. Tsaousis. Read.

Nucleomorph Small RNAs in Cryptophyte and Chlorarachniophyte Algae. Anna K M Åsman, Bruce A Curtis, John M Archibald. Read.

A Simple and Rapid Cryopreservation Technique for Ciliates: A Long‐Term Storage Procedure Used for Marine Scuticociliates. Yongqiang Liu, Bei Nan, Lili Duan, Ting Cheng, William A. Bourland, Mingjian Liu, Yan Zhao. Read.

Distinct communities of Cercozoa at different soil depths in a temperate agricultural field. Florine Degrune, Kenneth Dumack, Anna Maria Fiore-Donno, Michael Bonkowski, Moisés A Sosa-Hernández, Michael Schloter, Timo Kautz, Doreen Fischer, Matthias C Rillig. Read.

Functional annotation of orthologs in metagenomes: a case study of genes for the transformation of oceanic dimethylsulfoniopropionate. José M. González, Laura Hernández, Iris Manzano & Carlos Pedrós-Alió. Read.

Puromycin selection for stable transfectants of the oyster-infecting parasite Perkinsus marinus. Hirokazu Sakamoto, Yoshihisa Hirakawa, Ken-ichiro Ishida, Patrick J. Keeling, Kiyoshi Kita, Motomichi Matsuzaki. Read.

Insights into vase-shaped microfossil diversity and Neoproterozoic biostratigraphy in light of recent Brazilian discoveries. L. Morais, D.J.G. Lahr, I.D. Rudnitzki, B.T. Freitas, G.R. Romero, S.M. Porter, A.H. Knoll and T.R. Fairchild. Read.

Environmental selection and spatiotemporal structure of a major group of soil protists (Rhizaria: Cercozoa) in a temperate grassland. Anna Maria Fiore-Donno, Tim Richter-Heitmann, Florine Degrune, Kenneth Dumack, Kathleen Regan, Sven Mahran, Runa Boeddinghaus, Matthias Rillig, Michael W. Friedrich, Ellen Kandeler, Michael Bonkowski. Read.

Organellar DNA Polymerases in Complex Plastid-Bearing Algae. Yoshihisa Hirakawa and Arisa Watanabe. Read.

Asgard archaea capable of anaerobic hydrocarbon cycling. Kiley W. Seitz, Nina Dombrowski, Laura Eme, Anja Spang, Jonathan Lombard, Jessica R. Sieber, Andreas P. Teske, Thijs J. G. Ettema & Brett J. Baker. Read.

Evolution of Cryptosporidium. Jessica C. Kissinger. Read.

The Relative Importance of Modeling Site Pattern Heterogeneity Versus Partition-Wise Heterotachy in Phylogenomic Inference. Huai-Chun Wang, Edward Susko, Andrew J Roger. Read.

An aerobic eukaryotic parasite with functional mitochondria that likely lacks a mitochondrial genome. Uwe John, Yameng Lu, Sylke Wohlrab, Marco Groth, Jan Janouškovec, Gurjeet S. Kohli, Felix C. Mark, Ulf Bickmeyer, Sarah Farhat, Marius Felder, Stephan Frickenhaus, Laure Guillou, Patrick J. Keeling, Ahmed Moustafa, Betina M. Porcel, Klaus Valentin and Gernot Glöckner. Read.

A Revised Taxonomy of Diplonemids Including the Eupelagonemidae n. fam. and a Type Species, Eupelagonema oceanica n. gen. & sp. Noriko Okamoto, Ryan M.R. Gawryluk, Javier del Campo, Jürgen F.H. Strassert, Julius Lukeš, Thomas A. Richards, Alexandra Z. Worden, Alyson E. Santoro, Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

The Protists in Soil: A Token of Untold Eukaryotic Diversity. Michael Bonkowski et al. Read.

Ecological and evolutionary patterns in the enigmatic protist genus Percolomonas (Heterolobosea; Discoba) from diverse habitats. Denis V. Tikhonenkov, Soo Hwan Jhin, Yana Eglit, Kai Miller, Andrey Plotnikov, Alastair G.B. Simpson, Jong Soo Park. Read.

Calcium negatively regulates secretion from dense granules in Toxoplasma gondii. Nicholas J. Katris, Huiling Ke, Geoffrey I. McFadden, Giel G. van Dooren, Ross F. Waller. Read.

A pan‐apicomplexan phosphoinositide‐binding protein acts in malarial microneme exocytosis. Zeinab Ebrahimzadeh, Angana Mukherjee, Marie‐Ève Crochetière, Audrey Sergerie, Souad Amiar, L Alexa Thompson, Dominic Gagnon, David Gaumond, Robert V Stahelin, Joel B Dacks, Dave Richard. Read.

All Eukaryotes Are Sexual, unless Proven Otherwise. Many So‐Called Asexuals Present Meiotic Machinery and Might Be Able to Have Sex. Paulo G. Hofstatter, Daniel J. G. Lahr. Read.

Multiple independent origins of apicomplexan-like parasites. Varsha Mathur, Martin Kolisko, Elisabeth Hehenberger, Nicholas AT Irwin, Brian S. Leander, Árni Kristmundsson, Mark A Freeman, Patrick J Keeling. Read.

Ancient complement and lineage-specific evolution of the Sec7 ARF GEF proteins in eukaryotes. Shweta V. Pipaliya, Alexander Schlacht, Christen M. Klinger, Richard A. Kahn, and Joel Dacks. Read.

Chromulinavorax destructans, a pathogen of microzooplankton that provides a window into the enigmatic candidate phylum Dependentiae. Christoph M. Deeg, Matthias M. Zimmer, Emma E. George, Filip Husnik, Patrick J. Keeling, Curtis A. Suttle. Read.

A natural toroidal microswimmer with a rotary eukaryotic flagellum. Sebastian Hess, Laura Eme, Andrew J. Roger & Alastair G. B. Simpson. Read.

A Toxoplasma gondii strain isolated in Okinawa, Japan shows high virulence in Microminipigs. Yuji Taniguchi, Itaru Yanagihara, Yukiko Nakura, Chihiro Ichikawa, Taizo Saito, Cornelia Appiah-Kwarteng, Motomichi Matsuzaki, Junpei Fukumoto, Kisaburo Nagamune, Hisako Kyan, Masaki Takasu, Katsuya Kitoh, Yasuhiro Takashima. Read.

Morphological, Ultrastructural, Motility and Evolutionary Characterization of Two New Hemistasiidae Species. Galina Prokopchuka, Daria Tashyreva, Akinori Yabuki, Aleš Horák, Petra Masařová, Julius Lukeš. Read.

Entamoeba chiangraiensis n. sp. (Amoebozoa: Entamoebidae) isolated from the gut of Asian swamp eel (Monopterus albus) in northern Thailand. Vasana Jinatham, Siam Popluechai, C. Graham Clark and Eleni Gentekaki. Read.

Phylogeny of the ciliate family Psilotrichidae (Protista, Ciliophora), a curious and poorly-known taxon, with notes on two algae-bearing psilotrichids from Guam, USA. Xiaotian Luo, Jie A. Huang, Lifang Li, Weibo Song and William A. Bourland. Read.
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