Your third digest of papers and preprints published by members of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology is here. Do you like your ISEPpapers as fresh as possible? Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Enjoy!

Phylogenomic Analysis of Nassula variabilis n. sp., Furgasonia blochmanni, and Pseudomicrothorax dubius Confirms a Nassophorean Clade. Denis H. Lynn, Martin Kolisko, William Bourland. Read.

Community‐Level Responses to Iron Availability in Open Ocean Plankton Ecosystems. Luigi Caputi et al. Read.

Ubiquitin fusion proteins in algae: implications for cell biology and the spread of photosynthesis. Shannon J. Sibbald, Julia F. Hopkins, Gina V. Filloramo, and John M. Archibald. Read.

New Asgard archaea capable of anaerobic hydrocarbon cycling. Kiley W Seitz, Nina Dombrowski, Laura Eme, Anja Spang, Jonathan Lombard, Jessica R Sieber, Andreas P Teske, Thijs J.G. Ettma, Brett J Baker. Read.

Dinoflagellate nucleus contains an extensive endomembrane network, the nuclear net. Gregory S. Gavelis, Maria Herranz, Kevin C. Wakeman, Christina Ripken, Satoshi Mitarai, Gillian H. Gile, Patrick J. Keeling & Brian S. Leander. Read.

Transcriptome, proteome and draft genome of Euglena gracilis. ThankGod E. Ebenezer, Martin Zoltner, Alana Burrell, Anna Nenarokova, Anna M. G. Novák Vanclová, Binod Prasad, Petr Soukal, Carlos Santana-Molina, Ellis O’Neill, Nerissa N. Nankissoor, Nithya Vadakedath, Viktor Daiker, Samson Obado, Sara Silva-Pereira, Andrew P. Jackson, Damien P. Devos, Julius Lukeš, Michael Lebert, Sue Vaughan, Vladimίr Hampl, Mark Carrington, Michael L. Ginger, Joel B. Dacks, Steven Kelly, and Mark C. Field. Read.

A Cell Culture Platform for the Cultivation of Cryptosporidium parvum. Lyne Jossé, Alexander J. Bones, Tracey Purton, Martin Michaelis, Anastasios D. Tsaousis. Read.

Nephromyces Encodes a Urate Metabolism Pathway and Predicted Peroxisomes, Demonstrating That These Are Not Ancient Losses of Apicomplexans. Christopher Paight, Claudio H Slamovits, Mary Beth Saffo, Christopher E Lane. Read.

Extensive Reduction of the Nuclear Pore Complex in Nucleomorphs. Nicholas A T Irwin, Patrick J Keeling. Read.

Concepts of the last eukaryotic common ancestor. Maureen A. O’Malley, Michelle M. Leger, Jeremy G. Wideman & Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo. Read.

An updated phylogeny of the Alphaproteobacteria reveals that the parasitic Rickettsiales and Holosporales have independent origins. Sergio A Muñoz-Gómez, Sebastian Hess, Gertraud Burger, B Franz Lang, Edward Susko, Claudio H Slamovits, Andrew J Roger. Read.

Successful Genetic Transfection of the Colonic Protistan Parasite Blastocystis for Reliable Expression of Ectopic Genes. Feng-Jun Li, Anastasios D. Tsaousis, Tracy Purton, Vincent T. K. Chow, Cynthia Y. He & Kevin S. W. Tan. Read.

Phylogenomics and Morphological Reconstruction of Arcellinida Testate Amoebae Highlight Diversity of Microbial Eukaryotes in the Neoproterozoic. Daniel J. G. Lahr, Anush Kosakyan, Enrique Lara, Edward A. D. Mitchell, Luana Morais, Alfredo L. Porfirio-Sousa, Giulia M. Ribeiro, Alexander K. Tice, Tomáš Pánek, Seungho Kang, Matthew W. Brown. Read.

Oxygen induces the expression of invasion and stress response genes in the anaerobic salmon parasite Spironucleus salmonicida. Courtney W. Stairs, Anna Kokla, Ásgeir Ástvaldsson, Jon Jerlström-Hultqvist, Staffan Svärd and Thijs J. G. Ettema. Read.

Taming chlorophylls by early eukaryotes underpinned algal interactions and the diversification of the eukaryotes on the oxygenated Earth. Yuichiro Kashiyama et al. Read.

Proteome of the secondary plastid of Euglena gracilis reveals metabolic quirks and colourful history. Anna M. G. Novák Vanclová, Martin Zoltner, Steven Kelly, Petr Soukal, Kristína Záhonová, Zoltán Füssy, ThankGod E. Ebenezer, Eva Lacová Dobáková, Marek Eliáš, Julius Lukeš, Mark C. Field, Vladimír Hampl. Read.

Relative mutation rates in nucleomorph-bearing algae. C J Grisdale, D R Smith, J M Archibald. Read.

Principles of plastid reductive evolution illuminated by nonphotosynthetic chrysophytes. Richard G. Dorrell, Tomonori Azuma, Mami Nomura, Guillemette Audren de Kerdrel, Lucas Paoli, Shanshan Yang, Chris Bowler, Ken-ichiro Ishii, Hideaki Miyashita, Gillian H. Gile, and Ryoma Kamikawa. Read.