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#ISEPpapers 19: January, February, and March 2023

Your nineteenth digest of papers and preprints published by members of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology is here. Do you like your #ISEPpapers as fresh as possible? Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Enjoy!

Short tRNA anticodon stem and mutant eRF1 allow stop codon reassignment. Ambar Kachale, Zuzana Pavlíková, Anna Nenarokova, Adriana Roithová, Ignacio M. Durante, Petra Miletínová, Kristína Záhonová, Serafim Nenarokov, Jan Votýpka, Eva Horáková, Robert L. Ross, Vyacheslav Yurchenko, Petra Beznosková, Zdeněk Paris, Leoš Shivaya Valášek & Julius Lukeš. Read.

A mitochondrion-free eukaryote contains proteins capable of import into an exogenous mitochondrion-related organelle. Yi-Kai Fang, Zuzana Vaitová and Vladimir Hampl. Read.

Energetics and evolution of anaerobic microbial eukaryotes. Sergio A. Muñoz-Gómez. Read.

Draft genomes of Blastocystis subtypes from human samples of Colombia. Adriana Higuera, Dayana E. Salas-Leiva, Bruce Curtis, Luz H. Patiño, Dandan Zhao, Jon Jerlström-Hultqvist, Marlena Dlutek, Marina Muñoz, Andrew J. Roger & Juan David Ramírez. Read.

Morphology and phylogenetic position of three anaerobic ciliates from the classes Odontostomatea and Muranotrichea (Ciliophora). Daniel Méndez-Sánchez, Ondřej Pomahač, Johana Rotterová, William A. Bourland, Ivan Čepička. Read.

How ciliates got their nuclei. Vittorio Boscaro and Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

Taxonomic composition, community structure and molecular novelty of microeukaryotes in a temperate oligomesotrophic lake as revealed by metabarcoding. Konstantina Mitsi, Daniel J. Richter, Alicia S. Arroyo, David López-Escardó, Meritxell Antó, Antonio Guillén Oterino, and Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo. Read.

Evolution of promoter-proximal pausing enabled a new layer of transcription control. Alexandra G. Chivu, Abderhman Abuhashem, Gilad Barshad, Edward J. Rice, Michelle M. Leger, Albert C. Vill, Wilfred Wong, Rebecca Brady, Jeramiah J. Smith, Athula H. Wikramanayake, César Arenas-Mena, Ilana L. Brito, Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis, John T. Lis, James J. Lewis, Charles G. Danko. Read.

Horizontal Gene Transfer and Fusion Spread Carotenogenesis Among Diverse Heterotrophic Protists. Mariana Rius, Joshua S Rest, Gina V Filloramo, Anna M G Novák Vanclová, John M Archibald, Jackie L Collier. Read.

A Mitosome With Distinct Metabolism in the Uncultured Protist Parasite Paramikrocytos canceri (Rhizaria, Ascetosporea). Ioana Onuț-Brännström, Courtney W Stairs, Karla Iveth Aguilera Campos, Markus Hiltunen Thorén, Thijs J G Ettema, Patrick J Keeling, David Bass, Fabien Burki. Read.

Lateral gene transfer leaves lasting traces in Rhizaria. Jolien J.E. van Hooff, Laura Eme. Read.

Ancient and pervasive expansion of adaptin-related vesicle coat machinery across Parabasalia. William J. Maciejowski, Gillian H. Gile, Jon Jerlström-Hultqvist, Joel B. Dacks. Read.

A unique symbiosome in an anaerobic single-celled eukaryote. Jon Jerlström-Hultqvist, Lucie Gallot-Lavallée, Dayana E. Salas-Leiva, Bruce A. Curtis, Kristína Záhonová, Ivan Čepička, Courtney W. Stairs, Shweta Pipaliya, Joel B. Dacks, John M. Archibald, Andrew J. Roger. Read.

Quick guide: Purple photosymbioses. Sergio A. Muñoz-Gómez, Sebastian Hess. Read.

Inference and reconstruction of the heimdallarchaeial ancestry of eukaryotes. Laura Eme, Daniel Tamarit, Eva F. Caceres, Courtney W. Stairs, Valerie De Anda, Max E. Schön, Kiley W. Seitz, Nina Dombrowski, William H. Lewis, Felix Homa, Jimmy H. Saw, Jonathan Lombard, Takuro Nunoura, Wen-Jun Li, Zheng-Shuang Hua, Lin-Xing Chen, Jillian F. Banfield, Emily St John, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, Matthew B. Stott, Andreas Schramm, Kasper U. Kjeldsen, Andreas P. Teske, Brett J. Baker, Thijs J. G. Ettema. Read.

Intracytoplasmic-membrane development in alphaproteobacteria involves the homolog of the mitochondrial crista-developing protein Mic60. Sergio A. Muñoz-Gómez, Lawrence Rudy Cadena, Alastair T. Gardiner, Claudio H. Slamovits, Julius Lukeš, Hassan Hashimi. Read.

Cryptosporidium uses multiple distinct secretory organelles to interact with and modify its host cell. Amandine Guérin. Katherine M. Strelau, Konstantin Barylyuk, Kathryn S. Lilley, Ross F. Waller, Boris Striepen. Read.


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Background image: Nannochloropsis sp., CSIRO

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