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#ISEPpapers 18: October, November, and December 2022

Your eighteenth digest of papers and preprints published by members of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology is here. Do you like your #ISEPpapers as fresh as possible? Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Enjoy!

Combined nanometric and phylogenetic analysis of unique endocytic compartments in Giardia lamblia sheds light on the evolution of endocytosis in Metamonada. Rui Santos, Ásgeir Ástvaldsson, Shweta V. Pipaliya, Jon Paulin Zumthor, Joel B. Dacks, Staffan Svärd, Adrian B. Hehl & Carmen Faso. Read.

Further insight into the genetic diversity of Entamoeba coli and Entamoeba hartmanni. Christen Rune Stensvold, Kasandra Ascuña-Durand, Amal Chihi, Salem Belkessa, Özgür Kurt, Ayman El-Badry, Mark van der Giezen, C. Graham Clark. Read.

Phylogenomics shows unique traits in Noctilucales are derived rather than ancestral. Elizabeth C Cooney, Brian S Leander, Patrick J Keeling. Read.

Resistance of Blastocystis to chlorine and hydrogen peroxide. Rubén Martín-Escolano, Geok Choo Ng, Kevin S. W. Tan, C. Rune Stensvold, Eleni Gentekaki & Anastasios D. Tsaousis. Read.

Challenging the Importance of Plastid Genome Structure Conservation: New Insights From Euglenophytes. Kacper Maciszewski, Alicja Fells, Anna Karnkowska. Read.

MaHPIC malaria systems biology data from Plasmodium cynomolgi sporozoite longitudinal infections in macaques. Jeremy D. DeBarry, Mustafa V. Nural, Suman B. Pakala, et al. Read.

Microheliella maris possesses the most gene-rich mitochondrial genome in Diaphoretickes. Euki Yazaki, Akinori Yabuki, Yuki Nishimura, Takashi Shiratori, Tetsuo Hashimoto, and Yuji Inagaki. Read.

Expanding the molecular and morphological diversity of Apusomonadida, a deep-branching group of gliding bacterivorous protists. Guifré Torruella, Luis Javier Galindo, David Moreira, Maria Ciobanu, Aaron A Heiss, Naoji Yubuki, Eunsoo Kim, Purificación López-García. Read.

Future prospects for investigating ciliate biodiversity. Ľubomír Rajter, Borong Lu, Erika Rassoshanska, Micah Dunthorn. Read.

Reduced mitochondria provide an essential function for the cytosolic methionine cycle. Justyna Zítek, Zoltán Füssy, Sebastian C. Treitli, Priscila Peña-Diaz, Zuzana Vaitová, Daryna Zavadska, Karel Harant, Vladimír Hampl. Read. SciComm: What are reduced mitochondria for? Read.

Group-specific functional patterns of mitochondrion-related organelles shed light on their multiple transitions from mitochondria in ciliated protists. Zhicheng Chen, Jia Li, Dayana E. Salas-Leiva, Miaoying Chen, Shilong Chen, Senru Li, Yanyan Wu & Zhenzhen Yi. Read.

Hypotrichidium tisiae (Gelei, 1929) Gelei, 1954: a unique hypotrichid ciliate having a highly specialized developmental pattern during binary division. Xiaotian Luo, Jie Huang, Honggang Ma, Yujie Liu, Xiaoteng Lu & William A. Bourland. Read.

The development of intracytoplasmic membranes in alphaproteobacteria involves the conserved mitochondrial crista-developing protein Mic60. Sergio A. Muñoz-Gómez, Lawrence Rudy Cadena, Alastair T. Gardiner, Michelle M. Leger, Shaghayegh Sheikh, Louise Connell, Tomáš Bilý, Karel Kopejtka, J. Thomas Beatty, Michal Koblížek, Andrew J. Roger, Claudio H. Slamovits, Julius Lukeš, Hassan Hashimi. Read.

Microbial predators form a new supergroup of eukaryotes. Denis V. Tikhonenkov, Kirill V. Mikhailov, Ryan M. R. Gawryluk, Artem O. Belyaev, Varsha Mathur, Sergey A. Karpov, Dmitry G. Zagumyonnyi, Anastasia S. Borodina, Kristina I. Prokina, Alexander P. Mylnikov, Vladimir V. Aleoshin & Patrick J. Keeling. Read. SciComm: New branch on tree of life includes 'lions of the microbial world'. Read.

Eukaryotic evolution: Spatial proteomics sheds light on mitochondrial reduction. Michelle M. Leger & Courtney Stairs. Read.

Divergent and diversified proteome content across a serially acquired plastid lineage. Novák Vanclová AMG, Nef C, Vancl A, Liu F, Füssy Z, Bowler C, Dorrell RG. Read.


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Background image: Nannochloropsis sp., CSIRO

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