Your eleventh digest of papers and preprints published by members of the International Society for Evolutionary Protistology is here. Do you like your #ISEPpapers as fresh as possible? Join our Facebook group or follow us on Twitter. Enjoy!

Txikispora philomaios n. sp., n. g., a Micro-Eukaryotic Pathogen of Amphipods, Reveals Parasitism and Hidden Diversity in Class Filasterea. Ander Urrutia, Konstantina Mitsi, Rachel Foster, Stuart Ross, Martin Carr, Ionan Marigomez, Michelle M. Leger, Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, Stephen W. Feist, David Bass. Read.

Evolution and diversification of the nuclear envelope. Norma E. Padilla-Mejia, Alexandr A. Makarov, Lael D. Barlow, Erin R. Butterfield, Mark C. Field. Read.

Genome evolution of a non-parasitic secondary heterotroph, the diatom Nitzschia putrida. Ryoma Kamikawa, Takako Mochizuki, Mika Sakamoto, Yasuhiro Tanizawa, Takuro Nakayama, Ryo Onuma, Ugo Cenci, Daniel Moog, Samuel Speak, Krisztina Sarkozi, Andrew Toseland, Cock van Oosterhout, Kaori Oyama, Misako Kato, Keitaro Kume, Motoki Kayama, Tomonori Azuma, Ken-ichiro Ishii, Hideaki Miyashita, Bernard Henrissat, Vincent Lombard, Joe Win, Sophien Kamoun, Yuichiro Kashiyama, Shigeki Mayama, Shin-ya Miyagishima, Goro Tanifuji, Thomas Mock, Yasukazu Nakamura. Read.

Phage Origin of Mitochondrion-Localized Family A DNA Polymerases in Kinetoplastids and Diplonemids. Ryo Harada, Yuji Inagaki. Read.

Colpodean ciliate phylogeny and reference alignments for phylogenetic placements. Ľubomír Rajter, Isabelle Ewers, Nadine Graupner, Peter Vďačný, Micah Dunthorn. Read.

Free-living amoebae and other neglected protistan pathogens: Health emergency signals? Maria Cristina Angelici, Julia Walochnik, Adriana Calderaro, Lynora Saxinger, Joel B. Dacks. Read.

A prioritized and validated resource of mitochondrial proteins in Plasmodium identifies leads to unique biology. Selma L. van Esveld, Lisette Meerstein-Kessel, Cas Boshoven, Jochem F. Baaij, Konstantin Barylyuk, Jordy P. M. Coolen, Ronald AJ. Duim, Bas E. Dutilh, Daniel R. Garza, Marijn Letterie, Nicholas I. Proellochs, Michelle N. de Ridder, Prashanna Balaji Venkatasubramanian, Laura E. de Vries, Ross F. Waller, Taco W.A. Kooij, Martijn A. Huynen. Read.

A functional bacterial-derived restriction modification system in the mitochondrion of a heterotrophic protist. David S. Milner, Jeremy G. Wideman, Courtney W. Stairs, Cory D. Dunn, Thomas A. Richards. Read.

Long-read assembly and comparative evidence-based reanalysis of Cryptosporidium genome sequences reveal new biological insights. Rodrigo P. Baptista, Yiran Li, Adam Sateriale, Mandy J. Sanders, Karen L. Brooks, Alan Tracey, Brendan R. E. Ansell, Aaron R. Jex, Garrett W. Cooper, Ethan D. Smith, Rui Xiao, Jennifer E. Dumaine, Matthew Berriman, Boris Striepen, James A. Cotton, Jessica C. Kissinger. Read.

First finding of free-living representatives of Prokinetoplastina and their nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Denis V. Tikhonenkov, Ryan M. R. Gawryluk, Alexander P. Mylnikov & Patrick J. Keeling. Read.

Mitochondrial Genome Evolution in Pelagophyte Algae. Shannon J Sibbald, Maggie Lawton, John M Archibald. Read.

The Mastigamoeba balamuthi Genome and the Nature of the Free-Living Ancestor of Entamoeba. Vojtěch Žárský, Vladimír Klimeš, Jan Pačes, Čestmír Vlček, Miluše Hradilová, Vladimír Beneš, Eva Nývltová, Ivan Hrdý, Jan Pyrih, Jan Mach, Lael Barlow, Courtney W Stairs, Laura Eme, Neil Hall, Marek Eliáš, Joel B Dacks, Andrew Roger, Jan Tachezy. Read.

Tiara: Deep learning-based classification system for eukaryotic sequences. Michał Karlicki, Stanisław Antonowicz, Anna Karnkowska. Read.

Unexpected organellar locations of ESCRT machinery in Giardia intestinalis and complex evolutionary dynamics spanning the transition to parasitism in the lineage Fornicata. Shweta V. Pipaliya, Rui Santos, Dayana Salas-Leiva, Erina A. Balmer, Corina D. Wirdnam, Andrew J. Roger, Adrian B. Hehl, Carmen Faso, Joel B. Dacks. Read.

On the phenology of protists: Recurrent patterns reveal seasonal variation of protistan (Rhizaria: Cercozoa, Endomyxa) communities in tree canopies. Susanne Walden, Robin-Tobias Jauss, Kai Feng, Anna Maria Fiore-Donno, Kenneth Dumack, Stefan Schaffer, Ronny Wolf, Martin Schlegel, Michael Bonkowski. Read.

Reconstructing the Timeline of Eukaryogenesis. Andrew J. Roger, Edward Susko, Michelle M. Leger. Read.

The origin of animals: an ancestral reconstruction of the unicellular-to-multicellular transition. Núria Ros-Rocher, Alberto Pérez-Posada, Michelle M. Leger and Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo. Read.

A parasite’s paradise: Biotrophic species prevail oomycete community composition in tree canopies. Robin-Tobias Jauss, Susanne Walden, Anna Maria Fiore-Donno, Stefan Schaffer, Ronny Wolf, Kai Feng, Michael Bonkowski, Martin Schlegel. Read.

Retortamonads from vertebrate hosts share features of anaerobic metabolism and pre-adaptations to parasitism with diplomonads. Zoltán Füssy, Martina Vinopalová, Sebastian Cristian Treitli, Tomáš Pánek, Pavla Smejkalová, Ivan Čepička, Pavel Doležal, Vladimír Hampl. Read.

A free-living protist that lacks canonical eukaryotic DNA replication and segregation systems. Dayana E. Salas-Leiva, Eelco C. Tromer, Bruce A. Curtis, Jon Jerlström-Hultqvist, Martin Kolisko, Zhenzhen Yi, Joan S. Salas-Leiva, Lucie Gallot-Lavallée, Geert J. P. L. Kops, John M. Archibald, Alastair G. B. Simpson, Andrew J. Roger. Read.

Euglenozoa: taxonomy, diversity and ecology, symbioses and viruses. Alexei Y. Kostygov, Anna Karnkowska, Jan Votýpka, Daria Tashyreva, Kacper Maciszewski, Vyacheslav Yurchenko, Julius Lukeš. Read.

Rappemonads are haptophyte phytoplankton. Masanobu Kawachi, Takuro Nakayama, Motoki Kayama, Mami Nomura, Hideaki Miyashita, Othman Bojo, Lesley Rhodes, Stuart Sym, Richard N. Pienaar, Ian Probert, Isao Inouye, Ryoma Kamikawa. Read.
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