Scripps Institution of Oceanography ( (SIO) at the University of California San Diego invites applications to an assistant-level faculty position to be filled in one of the fields described below.
We seek a motivated, broad-thinking scientist-educator to establish a vigorous research program and provide intellectual leadership in their field while complementing existing expertise at Scripps and other UCSD departments. SIO is a world-renowned center of marine research with approximately 200 principal investigators leading research programs in various earth, ocean, biological and atmospheric sciences.
We are committed to academic excellence and diversity within the faculty, staff, and student body. The department seeks candidates who have demonstrated commitment to excellence by providing leadership in teaching, research, service, and building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment. The successful candidate will develop a vigorous extramurally supported research program, be committed to active teaching and mentoring of graduate students and teach in the marine biology undergraduate major. The successful candidate will have opportunities to interact with SIO’s large-scale interdisciplinary field research programs, including the California Current Ecosystem-LTER, the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI), and others. We seek to hire in one of the following areas.
Fisheries Oceanographer: We seek applicants whose research and teaching interests focus on the interactions between marine fisheries and associated ecological, environmental, and oceanographic processes. Broadly, we are interested in research that elucidates mechanistic relationships between fisheries, including invertebrates, and their surrounding oceanic habitats, aiming to provide a solid understanding of organism behavior, ecology, population dynamics, and/or life history within an ecosystem perspective. Approaches could include sea-going field surveys and sampling, experiments, remote sensing, physical/ecological/ecosystem models, and applied oceanographic analysis with an emphasis on conditions under which different life stages of wild populations of coastal, pelagic, and deep-sea/benthic fisheries species thrive. The ideal candidate will seek to understand species responses to global and human-induced change, including climate change, and interface with policy makers and resource managers. The successful candidate will be expected to teach courses in fisheries oceanography at the graduate level.
Protistan Biologist: Protists are eukaryotic microorganisms that have major roles in ocean biogeochemical cycles. They have diverse ecological strategies as phototrophs, heterotrophs, or mixotrophs and can come from multiple lineages of the eukaryotic tree of life. We seek applicants whose research and teaching interests focus on the physiology, biochemistry, ecology, and/or biotechnology of this vast and diverse group of microorganisms, which dominates lower food webs in the ocean. Approaches could include laboratory-based studies on model marine organisms and/or sea-going experimental research in coastal and open-ocean ecosystems, with relevance to global change issues, and potentially a specific focus on protistan grazers. The ideal candidate will contribute broadly to SIO’s programs in marine biology and biological oceanography. Such an individual will likely contribute to critical curricular needs in physiology and biochemistry at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
Sea-Going Benthic Ecologist: We seek an outstanding benthic ecologist with interests in marine ecosystem, population, or organismal responses to global change, with a strong preference for a sea-going scientist. Generally, we are interested in a candidate with research and teaching interests in field-based, experimental research in shelf or deep-sea ecosystems with relevance to global change biology, biogeography and food web interactions. Research areas of interest could include, but are not limited to, experimental benthic ecology, benthic deep-sea biology, population and evolutionary genetics, biogeochemistry, biogeography, biodiversity, or marine physiology and biochemistry. The ideal candidate will contribute broadly to SIO’s programs in the areas of deep-sea ecology and benthic ecology.
For full consideration, please apply by December 20, 2019 at:
PhD or equivalent in a relevant field of ocean, life, or ecological sciences is required at the time of appointment.
A competitive record of publication and service, as well as evidence of ability or strong potential to secure extramural funding and conduct a vigorous research program is expected. Salary will be consistent with the applicant’s qualifications and experience and with University of California pay scales.
UCSD is an equal opportunity / affirmative action employer with a strong institutional commitment to excellence and diversity (
All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran.