Location: BIOCEV, Charles University, Vestec, Czech Republic (www.biocev.eu)
Employer: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Description: Positions are available in our team focused on the investigation of anaerobic protists (microbial eukaryotes) classified as Preaxostyla. Our major aims are to disclose the mitochondrial metabolism in Paratrimastix pyriformis and the mechanisms of Fe-S cluster synthesis in closely related oxymonads that lack mitochondria entirely. We also examine biotic interactions between these protists and their prokaryotic companions in the culture and natively in the termite hindgut. Furthermore, we test the possibilities of directed evolution via mitochondrial knock-outs in other selected anaerobes, develop tools to study the evolution of protein targeting into mitochondria and finally protein composition of cytoskeletal fibers in these and related protists. Qualification in cell biology, genomics and phylogenetics is an advantage but enthusiasm and inventiveness are necessary conditions.

If you wish to work on other protists (e.g. euglenids) do not hesitate to ask ☺
Contact: vlada () natur.cuni.cz